28 April 2010

hello. cried today.
failed chinese test n tingxie.
n n physics test. means tat im dead. another 3 months... then she won't sign.
how? cried after sch.
they tried to cheer me up.
kay. thank u! thhen saw xinying. she ask me wat happen. then i vry sad.
then i start crying. i fail physics lei. 1sst time fail tat lei.
i already vry sad sia. i fail history, chi, physics, bio nxt will have wat?
i really die liao lorh. heartbroken.
wenghong like angry at me like tat. today like dun really tok to us.
i think is cos of ytd. i some how shouted on msn.
then he angry ba. sry kay? tok to me lei. i vry sad lei. feel tat its my fault.




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