05 April 2010

today had assembly.
CL cher nvr come.
eng cher nvr come.
no lessons.
except for D&T and music.
hahas. D&T we learn now to do the cut cut circle one.
hahas. damn dumb. then horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. music tat time watched
PETER and THE WOLF. then hahas lols. brandon sit behind me hor, damn crap one.
then then horrrrrrr LUNCH liao.
lols... so lame.
AH!!! then hor, omg what ar?
i think 1st.
got it!
Then is ACC. cher nvr come mah.
then have relief cher. i dun like! had to do chi assesment. wth?
then was eng. cher nvr come. then i run to the annette's sit. cos brandon sitting
thr. cos today sinyao nvr come sch.
then play play play. then hor, i sit at brandon the sit the,
i dun wanna get up.
i dun wanna lei brandon sit thr. so i just sit thr n dun move.
then brandon fed up.
Start carrying the chair. trying to carry me out too!!! wth luh.
vry fun hor?
then mark try.
then Junying oso.
can carry me. then they three fed up.
2 person carry me. WTH LUH!!!
damn scary. i run. then they start laughing. laugh like MAD!!!
wth luh... then i ask eileen sit wif me. then sit together. then they cannot carry me!!! hahas. before they wanna carry me up alone and throw me out hor, i ask Carissa n annette to go outside to check if wenghong thr. cos hong always help us one mah. haha
then found him. they dun carry liao. but awhile later, the start carrying again.
hahas. i fed up. run liao.
then cher come blah blah blah.
had assembly.
almost sleep.
damn bad lei.
all the SEC 1 sit on the chairs except for 1MD and 1LY!!!
so unfair!
chatted wif Peiying just now.
&& Shimin too! hahas.
class had so much fun.
played wif Dylan's toy( gift from shimin n Gwen ba)
then cracked jokes.
wenghong played wof the wAX. lol...

tats all. bye!!




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