Hallo.... I'm BORED!!!..... Had oral 2day.... So-so only lei...
Feel like nothing to say one... Cause is at the Zoo mah... Abit siao siao..
(refering to myself)... HAHA... Went to Kelly's hs for awhile.... Then go back to sch...
That DEVIN LEONG like dumb dumb one lei... Go out of sch a while then go back cannot meh? Teacher oso say that can mah... Must go HM.... I go friend's hs mah...
not house meh?
Must SMS me like :
Wuliao...then must message him back say going back liao... Then reach school liao hor, tat Devin wanted to prank me... HAHA dumb... In the end call Caleb chia...(my class) Dumb...
then tat KOK JIA WEI throw ICE or dunno wat at my shirt... So fed up.... Took out Hp and started taking photo of them(refering to Caleb,Jiawei and Devin).... WULIAO...
then tat Ms. Chin come... Scold Devin... HAHA.... TOO BAd....LALALALA....
Then , OMG!!! got alot og THENS lei.... HAHA... dun care...
I too wuliao liao.... SIAO DING DONG!!! mee
LIKE I CARE?? I dun... Fine.... FAST FORWARD!!!!
I told Peiying about asking Jervis who Ziyang like.... then he guess guess guess... I say NO or DUNNO..... Then he say is KEllY... HAHA vry funny...
Then Peiying ask me to ask him for his answer again.... then I call him...
1st time call him, call liao, I started laughing.... Dunno lei... I siao mah...
HAHAHAHAHA... Damn!!! then that James and Eion come back to school liao...
Tat James went to giv Eion my blog.... Damn!!! Then i went to ask him wats my website...
He went to say so loud... Damn him la... Then tat Devin leong noe... Damn again...
So I went to say a BIG FAT>>>> NO LA!!! siao...
Then I went to stare at james.... Wanna scold him....
I just hope tat he dun tell anyone else my blog...
That was when in the Holding room waiting for the Prelim Oral....
Then slowly they all go liao.... In my class, only Left Jiawei, Jervis n I.... We move forward.... cos before tat we sit at the back mah...
Move liao... Then tat Jervis keep pointing Middle finger... damn funny... HAHAHA...
I laugh like siao...
Then after tat, was Jervis' turn.... Jiawei n I move up....
Then MRS FOO ask Jiawei how he do tat maths question.... The age one... I nothing to do then I say.... >>>:
I do by listing lei....
Then tat Mrs foo ask Jiawei....:
Have any shorter way>
In the end, the shorter way is guess n check...
Soon, my turn...
I it at thechair, with a guy from 6/5 which is Ken...
Mr koh talk to us..
Then I go for oral....
Then My turn rite?
Ya... HAHA... WULIAO...
My examiner was Emily's form teacher and the 5/4 form teacher...
Damn sia... I too nervous liao... dunno wat to say... haha... I just say as much as possible... Then conversation tat part, I think i get damn low marks...
I dunno how to say then Emily's teacher ask me :
What do you prepare for the (DUNNO WHAT) trip?
I was like... errrrrr.... er..... Then she ask:
Do you do any preparation for it?
Then i ust say no lor....
Nothing to say mah...
Need to go liao...
Bye Bye... ^.^
Prelims over but PSLE coming.... so BAD!!!
Must PING!!! get 240 n above!!! then i can get my Laptop!!!
Hao Han ♥