Yahoo!!!!!!!!! It is finally CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is sad that I have to go back to school next week ..... My mother got me 2 SASHA BEARS..... One purple and the other white.... The purple one is called HOLLY the white one is call NICOLAS.....
Hao Han
25 December 2008
16 December 2008
Hey all.... This month, I am REALLY REALLY BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cos I have training every single day sia!!! Good that some of my friends can go overseas.... Kris just went .....Coming back on friday... Julia just came back... Jiarong still in the trip..... Shermaine going to Malaysia tomorrow ....But I won't be going any where.... I will stay in Singapore ..... Today, THE STUPID Jia Yang went to splash water on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He splash on me like 3 times liao le!!!! He also wack me yesterday sia.... I have to now...
Hao Han...
Hao Han...
05 December 2008
21 November 2008
Do you know who I hate??
ANS: Shermaine Wong Shi Qing
She is disrespectful although I am older than her by just 1 year... Her
T.T is so lousy that she can't even be wise enough to train harder for the holidays as the competitions are coming soon which is next year's(2009) March.... She is rude as she says this in her blog.... Read hor...>>"Aiyo the khs ttt (junior girlz) blog ss miserable sia. I think is because of hao han. So act pro though her table tennis skill very good . She is the most lan one for P5.So poor lor. so many people hate her.Same act for so long. Because she very hot tempered little bit need to scold people. That is why they don't dare tell her lah. but I am not scared of her.So lazy one. HAO HAN IS AS LAZY AS A PIG. She is a skinny pig. The most poor one and lazy one. And look so old. Go ZOO that time see pig hor must remember to see that old pig. She is the Most famous pig in too old age. That pig is the odd one out."
She is so tham mean sia....... She will be scrapped of from my bk of friendship..... Anyway I dun need such Bad friend like her.....
Hao Han
Do you know who I hate??
ANS: Shermaine Wong Shi Qing
She is disrespectful although I am older than her by just 1 year... Her
T.T is so lousy that she can't even be wise enough to train harder for the holidays as the competitions are coming soon which is next year's(2009) March.... She is rude as she says this in her blog.... Read hor...>>"Aiyo the khs ttt (junior girlz) blog ss miserable sia. I think is because of hao han. So act pro though her table tennis skill very good . She is the most lan one for P5.So poor lor. so many people hate her.Same act for so long. Because she very hot tempered little bit need to scold people. That is why they don't dare tell her lah. but I am not scared of her.So lazy one. HAO HAN IS AS LAZY AS A PIG. She is a skinny pig. The most poor one and lazy one. And look so old. Go ZOO that time see pig hor must remember to see that old pig. She is the Most famous pig in too old age. That pig is the odd one out."
She is so tham mean sia....... She will be scrapped of from my bk of friendship..... Anyway I dun need such Bad friend like her.....
Hao Han
16 November 2008
Hi all, today, I watched TV for the half of the morning then i rested.....
Afterthat, my brother went for his guitar lesson....After that, we went for lunch together with my mother's friends...
we had fun....LOL>>>>
Then, webought the brown sugar to bake cookies..... Quite fun lei.....
Only thing is that i only did the baking but not the mixing....
SOOOOOOOO FUN!!!! I will try to bring some cookies tomorrow for training...
Hao Hao <3<3
Afterthat, my brother went for his guitar lesson....After that, we went for lunch together with my mother's friends...
we had fun....LOL>>>>
Then, webought the brown sugar to bake cookies..... Quite fun lei.....
Only thing is that i only did the baking but not the mixing....
SOOOOOOOO FUN!!!! I will try to bring some cookies tomorrow for training...
Hao Hao <3<3
14 November 2008
Sry all..... I forgot to post any thing...
I only hope that u all won't mind it as I
was quite busy this few days...
My younger cousins(two of them>Gerald and Sasha) will
be having a concert soon... I went to help out and now, I am
quite busy..... On the 21st of Nov, I also need to help out too..
Anyway, GTG...
Hao Han loved <3
I only hope that u all won't mind it as I
was quite busy this few days...
My younger cousins(two of them>Gerald and Sasha) will
be having a concert soon... I went to help out and now, I am
quite busy..... On the 21st of Nov, I also need to help out too..
Anyway, GTG...
Hao Han loved <3
09 November 2008
Hey all, I have just returned back from a BBQ party organized by my piano teacher.......... She said that she will be getting married nxt month............. Anyway, I have a picture of her and me...... I will try posting it....GTG>>>>
Tomorrow still need to go to school sia..........
Tomorrow still need to go to school sia..........
06 November 2008
05 November 2008
Hi...... Today is just like the last day of school lo......Don't need to study one...I just had the Archery then, we went for the IPW Fair.... After that, we had recess...... After recess, we had chinese but our chinese teacher did not come to we did clay...... Valorie and Gabriell went to rub the clay on my chair and I got very mad lo..... After that, I QI HAO LE..... Then now, i have to wait for the maple to download..... Then can play wif Valorie and Garbiell....
Hao Han ^.^
Hao Han ^.^
03 November 2008
Today, Mrs Foo gave us back our exam paper........ Before that, Caleb, Jonathon Sze, Chen Liang and Linus started throwing paper and erasers at Yuan Han and I............... We then started worldwar 3.............. Then, Yuan Han became angry............. She like a bit hot tempered today lo..... Lucky she never cry can liao............... Anyway, I got 81 for my MATHS!!!!! It is truly can't be believed...GTG>>>>>
Hao Han <3
Hao Han <3
01 November 2008

Hey all yesterday I just went to watch HSM senior year wif my cousin and her friends ......Valorie was rite... Troy looks like a ghost when the show just started...... Then she also told me that 1 of the songs, the Troy and the Chad like flying aeroplanesssssssssss like that...... At the end, we watch until the show end then we also watch the 'NG' THAM FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ............................ HER FRIENDS AND HER VERY IRRITATING LEI!!!!!!!!!!!!! NXT TIME I WILL NEVER BE WATCHING WITH HER AND HER FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IRRITATING!!!!!!!!!!!
24 October 2008
sad sad day
Hey all, today, I do not know what happened to Peiying...... She just suddenly became angry.......I Hope that she will tell us...... Anyway, today I just had my Chinese paper..... It was ok la..... And today during recess, I met NAUGHTY GIRL!!!! Which is Hazel and NAUGHTY GIRL NO.2 which was Claudine..... I accompanied her for the whole recess...... We invented the so called "Huggy" which I thinks that it mean :"Hi good friend..." Haha.... anyway, GTG>>>>
Hao Han ^.^
Hao Han ^.^
sad sad day
Hey all, today, I do not know what happened to Peiying...... She just suddenly became angry.......I Hope that she will tell us...... Anyway, today I just had my Chinese paper..... It was ok la..... Any way, GTG>>>>
Hao Han ^.^
Hao Han ^.^
18 October 2008
Yesterday, my cousin,Kon-G,saw a cockroach. She started screaming...... Then my another younger cousin, Gerald, he is now only 4YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!! And he is usually scared of cockroaches .... But this time, he quickly took a slippers from the door and SMACKED IT!!!!! My uncle quickly gave him a tissue and told him to throw it into the dustbin..... SO BRAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any way, GTG I am going to rollerbate later at 3pm
Any way, GTG I am going to rollerbate later at 3pm
17 October 2008
Hi all, today is the second day of PSLE marking....... I have heard the 215 from yes 9.33..... Today was the last episope..... So sad..... Today, Yueling, the main character in the show and Minshan, where happy as Minshan was fine after the operation..... Then it was quite sad actually
because, at last, Yueling had a singing concert.... But Minshan had died.... I think so as they said that the seat next to Yueen,Yueling's brother was empty... My mother said that Minshan has died...... So sad...... Never mind, I have to go for my math tution now..... GTG>>>>
Hao Han
because, at last, Yueling had a singing concert.... But Minshan had died.... I think so as they said that the seat next to Yueen,Yueling's brother was empty... My mother said that Minshan has died...... So sad...... Never mind, I have to go for my math tution now..... GTG>>>>
Hao Han
15 October 2008
HI all sorry for not posting about a few weeks ago...
I apologise..... Cos I had my English And chinese paper 1 .... It was not that difficurt as I had read many compsitions....
Hao Han
I apologise..... Cos I had my English And chinese paper 1 .... It was not that difficurt as I had read many compsitions....
Hao Han
11 October 2008
Congrats Tuzi from superband for being the champion!!!!!! Good job guys!!!!
Hao Han
Hao Han
04 October 2008
Try reading this!!!
If yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100
anc. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr
in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be
in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is
bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig
huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it. If you
can read this, your brain is 50% faster than those who can't!
03 October 2008
Happy Birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1st October > Cheong Jia Rong!!!!
2nd oct!!! Caleb Chia!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday guys!!!!!!!!!!
XOXO,Hao han
2nd oct!!! Caleb Chia!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday guys!!!!!!!!!!
XOXO,Hao han
25 September 2008
Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Oral has just ended!!!!!!!!
Hey all, I had finished my oral exams as today, the Chinese oral was very fast!!!!!!!!!1 I was wondering what will be the picture for the English oral........... Perhaps tomorrow my form teacher will announce??
Hao Han
Hao Han
24 September 2008
My feelings for today.....
Hey all, I just out that I will be having my worst day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The worst thing is about tomorrow, Iwill be having my Chinese oral !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And today for the luck thing, I found a best friend which no one will know because, SARAH ONG is my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!
Best I know lots of people hates me !! Whats the proplem with me??
Best I know lots of people hates me !! Whats the proplem with me??
23 September 2008
Today, I had ORAL!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I haved ORAL!!!!
HEy all readers today, I had my ENGLISG ORAL AS MY EXAMINER WASSSSS KRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AND YUXUAN"SSSSSSSSSSS FORM TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She kept smiling at me and I felt weird....... Good luck to the others (JR,Kris,Julia,YX and more!!!) ^.^
Hao Han
HEy all readers today, I had my ENGLISG ORAL AS MY EXAMINER WASSSSS KRISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AND YUXUAN"SSSSSSSSSSS FORM TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She kept smiling at me and I felt weird....... Good luck to the others (JR,Kris,Julia,YX and more!!!) ^.^
Hao Han
22 September 2008
Exams are on the way!!!!!
On no!!!! Exams are on the way!!!!!!!!! I will be having my English oral tomorrow and will be having my Chinese oral on Thursday!!!! I wish everyone good luck for their oral exams !!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 September 2008
Emily> Grapes and Zoey
Zhi Ning> Peach
Metta> Bunny and Watermelon
Me(Hao Han)> Bananna and Elmo (Rine not I want to copy u is my T.T friends call me 1)
And more..... Will update....
GTG have fun guys....
16 September 2008
Oh my ...... Shit sia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just found out that i had lost my friend Trixie which is now in seconary school's website!!!!!!!!!! Trixie, if you come please tag your blog website again hor ..... 谢谢你 ... GTG....
15 September 2008
12 September 2008
Hi all............
Hey guys, Yuan Han told me to post a long post............ But I will try to do so some time...... 4now, would like to change my blogskin but no time!!!!! ^.^
27 August 2008
Today so sian.....
Today, I went to school with my storiebk..... Then I exchanged it with Sarah........... Now I am going to read it after I my HW and then shower then watch TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gab, u playing maple rite??
Gab, u playing maple rite??
26 August 2008
Hey all !!!!
HAHA!!!!I have just finished readind my storie bookie!!! I am going to exchage the story book with Sarah Ong (my classmate)... For the BFG
The bk that i read was>>>>>>>> Clarice Beans ' Don't Look Now' by Lauren Child
If any one have any story from Lauren Child, tell me!!!!
The bk that i read was>>>>>>>> Clarice Beans ' Don't Look Now' by Lauren Child
If any one have any story from Lauren Child, tell me!!!!
23 August 2008
Hai...... I got my resultz....... Keep this a secret!!!! DON"T TELL ANYONE MY RESULTZ
ENG-53.2 -> 'C'
CHI-59.7 -> 'C'
SCI-67.5 -> 'C'
MATH-70 ->'B'
CHI-59.7 -> 'C'
SCI-67.5 -> 'C'
MATH-70 ->'B'
19 August 2008
YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! EXAM OVER!!!!!!!
Yahoo!!!! The exam is over!!!! I can finally relax!!!!!!! As I did not take higher chinese, my exam ended today..... As long i pass all my subject and at least get a 'A' or a 'B', I am going to be VERYYYYYYY HAPPYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
03 August 2008
I so sian sia!!!!!!!!!!!! 2morrow have Science pratical!!!!!!!!! And is Mummy's b'day !!!!! Wad to give her??
Oh man!!!!!!!!!!!! 2morrow is my Mother's b'day then wad should I give her?? Better not give here anything la..... Give her a Huggie and a happy b'day shout can la hor??..... My friendz always say that giving a present does not mean the the person will treasure it...... Better do wad is just said ba....... Oh ya...... Yesterday was my School's Family Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fun sia!!!!!!!!!!!! played like mad but HAVE LUCKY DRAW~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! THAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haiz......... Nvm la ...... at least I had fun.....
25 July 2008
Lol..... just now play like siao
Lol..... Just now in Sarah's house and then we do glass deco like siao..... Then now I am in my Grandma's house...... Thanks Sarah's Mum & Dad.
24 July 2008
Yahoo.............!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to Sarah's house!!!
Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be going to Sarah's house tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! It is not to play hor..... It is to do the Glass deco for the School Family Day....... ^.^
Today is the most stupid day ever!!!!
Today is the most stupid day ever because, last time my old blog, I said that Yuan Han likes Caleb but today, iI received a letter from Caleb Chia...... He wrote the letter and asked if is it true that I like him lei...... this is mad rite?? He still say that I typed on my blog that I like him lei...... I DID NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN SWEAR TO GOD HOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I onli said that Yuan Han like him......If i like him,I will not be soooooooooooo stupid to say it to so many readers...... If he know my blog, why don't tag???I truly feel that I am innocent....
20 July 2008
07 July 2008
I am board so I just come and type....
Hai...... Today I had my maths tution then I forgot to bring all of my stuff.......(lol..... not really all)last Saturaday,it was Emily's b'day!!!!!! happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03 July 2008
Hi All........ My new blog........ Please don't scam......
Hi all...... Today i felt really sad that is because my school lost the Chong Fu Primary and Nanyang Primary...... We will be able to win if I could win Chong Fu...... It is all my fault..... It is NOT YYX,Kris,Julia,JR,XL,Metta,Zhining or Germaine's fault..... It is all mine..... Sry all..... I will try my best next time if I could play against Chong Fu........... And even we got 4th, it is still very good...... ^.^
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